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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Damn I pin awesome shit

My thoughts exactly....

I'm currently sitting outside looking at my pins on Pinterest thinking there's so many things I want to do but not enough time to do them!

Sure, I'd love to try all 480 recipes I have pinned, completed the gazillion crafts, have an amazing closet, gorgeous hair and the best house on the block.  BUT that's not going to happen! 

So I'll keep thumbing through my pins drooling, try the occasional recipe and complete a craft here and there. And just enjoy the stuff I do! But damn, I pin such awesome shit!


  1. Haha I hear you! I wish I could live a pinterest life!

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

    1. Exactly, Wouldn't it be so much easier! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ha ha! This totally made me giggle. It's the story of my life. I'd have the most amazing closet, house (it might be a bit confused because apparently, I like many, many, many styles!) and I'd eat amazing. Oh and I'd be the most rocking crafter, homemade gifter and organizer known to man!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have a great blog! Loving it!

    1. Yeah, I confuse my self by all the different styles of stuff I pin!! Thanks for stopping by as well!

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